Axente de Emprego

Curso semipresencial creación empresa Fundación Mujeres

Curso dirixido a mulleres que queiran crear un empresa. Terá unha duración de 100 horas.
Datas: 14 setembro Fin: 30 novembro
Caracteristicas do curso :
* 7 Sesións presenciais.
* Traballo en liña personalizado
* 4 Talleres presenciais de reforzo e axuda á elaboración do plan de empresa
* Titorías personalizadas.
As prazas son limitadas, polo que as mulleres interesadas deben inscribirse o antes posible, chamando ao 981 29 40 97.
Mais información falando coa Tecnica de Emprego do Concello.

The Redesign Progress

Just a few years ago was maintained by a small team of insiders. Now, we are making major changes to the site using the community's many developers and themers.

This update provides the Drupal community our implementation redesign progress, where we've run into challenges, and provide information about our future plans.

The following update provides insight into:


DrupalCon London 2011 Session Schedule

The DrupalCon London Team had the task of narrowing 341 fantastic proposals into a schedule of 60 sessions, balanced across 5 tracks: Site Building and Environment Set-up, Business and Best Practices, Code & Coders, Design, UX & Theming, and Ecosystem. You can check out the schedule now and attendees will be able to build their schedule on the DrupalCon London site by logging in later this week.

This breaks down to 5 tracks with 12 sessions each. The 6th track, Core Conversations, will also have 12 sessions slots available and DrupalCon London will be opening core conversation session proposals between 14 June and 14 July 2011, 23:59 GMT+1.


New Drupal Book - Drupal Performance Tips

Drupal 6 Performance Tips, by Trevor James and TJ Holowaychuk, is a newly-published title from Packt Publishing aimed at Drupal beginners, developers, designers, and webmasters who utilize the Drupal content management system to create robust websites.

It provides crucial performance-related information for Drupal users of all experience levels, including module contributors, webmasters who simply configure and maintain Drupal websites, and even themers. The book contains basic and advanced topics on Drupal performance that will appeal both to the Drupal novice and the advanced user or developer.


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